The Ninth Dialog System Technology Challenge (DSTC9)
Call for Track Proposals
Website: https://sites.google.com/dstc.community/dstc8/calls/call-for-dstc9-track-proposals
Following on the success of the DSTC shared tasks since 2013, the DSTC organizing committees would like to invite track proposals for the Ninth Dialog System Technology Challenge (DSTC9) which will be held in 2020.
The challenge will consist of 3-4 tracks on the dialog research problems including, but not restricted to, the following topics:
* End-to-end dialog systems
* Dialog state tracking
* Dialog policy learning
* Spoken language understanding
* Natural language generation for dialog systems
* Multi-lingual dialog processing
* Multi-modal dialog processing
* Dialog evaluation
* Any other dialog-related tasks
Track proposals should be about two (2) pages of main contents including the following:
* A title and a brief description of the proposed track
* A brief description of the datasets
* A brief description of the evaluation methods
* The names and full contact information of the track organizers
Track organizers are encouraged also to provide examples of input and output data as supplementary materials.
Track proposals should be submitted to the DSTC distribution list at list@dstc.community no later than January 25, 2020. PDF format is preferred.
The organizers of every submitted proposal are invited to present their track details at DSTC9 planning session scheduled in DSTC8 Workshop which will be held as an AAAI-20 Workshop on February 8, 2020 in New York.
* January 25, 2020: Track Proposal Submission Deadline
* February 8, 2020: DSTC9 Planning Session @ DSTC8 Workshop
* March 7, 2020: Track Acceptance Notification
* March-May, 2020: Track Preparation
* June-September, 2020: Challenge Period
Please feel free to post any question or comment to the DSTC mailing list list@dstc.community.
To join the mailing list: visit https://groups.google.com/a/dstc.community/forum/#!forum/list/join.